Sunday, 9 November 2014


Los alumnos de sexto grado compartiremos "La fiesta de la tradición" 

Els alumnes de sisè grau compartirem "La festa de la tradició"

The sixth graders will share "The party tradition"

Saludos desde/salutacions des/greetings from ARGENTINA!!! 
Escuela N°83 "Juan Arzeno"

Thursday, 6 November 2014


How are you? 
We have got some question:
1.) ¿No quereis saber nada de nosotros?¡ Estamos deseando conoceros!
2.) How many hours do you spend at school?
3.) ¿Cuanto dura vuestro tiempo de pausa (recreo)?
4.) Do you know something about the independence of Catalonia? 
5.) ¿Lleváis uniforme en el colegio?
6.) Do you like this project? Which party are you going to explain?
7.) ¿Que días vais a clase?
8.) How old are you?

Esperamos saber pronto algo de vosotros. Fins aviat!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014


Hi, we want to meet you. This are the questions for you:

¿Cual es vuestro deporte más popular?

¿Cuantos niños sois en la escuela?

¿Cual es el apellido más comun en vuestro país?

What is the typical food in your country?

What's your most popular celebration in your country?

Esperamos vuestras respuestas, see you son.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Carnaval, nuestra fiesta más conocida

Saludos de nuevo,

nos han gustado mucho vuestras presentaciones!

Some answers to your questions:
- the best year's week to have fun in Solsona is during Carnival. We have 7 days plenty of activities. But we have other important celebrations , like the Annual Town Celebration (Festa Major).
- we like very much Txarango and Lax'n'busto, but the most famous singer in Catalan should be Shakira ;) If we assume that getting married with Gerard Piqué mades her a little bit Calatan too. She has a song in Catalan in her last album.
- our typical dish is bread with tomato (pan con tomate) and sausage (butifarra), and rice (paella) too.
- we're fans from Barça (FC Barcelona). We specialy like an Argentinian player, we're sure you know his name ;)

We have some questions for both groups too.
For the group from Traralgon:
- How long have you been celebrating the Spring Racing Carnival? Here in Solsona we have a race in Carnival too, but it's a lot different. We'll explain you later.
- Which language speak the indigenous stundets?
- What's the most typical dish in your town?

For the group of Puerto Madryn:
- What's the most typical dish in your town?
- Are there any penguins close to your town?
- Which is your favourite football  player?
- Have you ever seen the whales very close?

We've choosed Carnival for the geo-project because is our more famous celebration. We have got a lot of giants at the Carnival, all of them made in Solsona. Their names are: boig (crazy), mocós (brats), xut (owl), draca (dragon), and many more.

 We wish to hear from you soon!

Carnaval, la celebración más conocida de Solsona

Hola de nuevo!

os queríamos contar que hemos escogido el Carnaval como fiesta que más conocida de nuestra ciudad. Durante la fiesta hacemos bailar unos gigantes y también colgamos un "asno". La historia cuenta que una vez había unos hierbajos en las piedras de lo alto del campanario y a un campesino se le ocurrió que se las comiera su asno, pero tubo la mala idea de colgarlo por el cuello para subirlo arriba del todo, con lo que el asno se murió.  Cada año por carnaval nos reunimos bajo el campanario para colgar un asno, de mentira, claro. 

We have got a lot of giants at the Carnival, all of them made in Solsona. Their names are: boig (crazy), mocós (brats), xut (owl), draca (dragon), and many more. We have a special Carnival for children too. At the end of the celebration, we burn a doll called "carnestoltes".

We wish to hear from you soon!